All Tomorrow’s Girls

It's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. ━American Beauty


Odd Nerdrum


Odd Nerdrum 『生きている巨匠』 オッド・ネルドル - Wikipedia ノルウェーの画家

笹渕文枝 / Fumie Sasabuchi

untitled, 2008, coloured pencil, ball pen, fashion magazine ZINK: artwork | fumie sasabuchi [+] (Via) Fumie Sasabuchi on artnet 日本人アーティスト。ファッション雑誌や広告のモデルに“死のテーマ”のドローイングを施して作品にしているのが面白…

I don't know what to call you.

I don't have a name. Do you want to know mine? No, no! I don't. I don't want to know your name. You don't have a name and I don't have a name either. Not one name. You're crazy!